Angeles City Flora has many different mixed rose bouquets that can be sent to Angeles City. Our selection of mixed rose bouquets is sure to please, whether you need a single bouquet for a special occasion or several bouquets for a wedding. We have the perfect bouquet for every event, from the classic red rose to more unusual colors like pink, yellow, and white. Our bouquets are hand-tied, and our local florist brings them to us immediately. We deliver to most cities in the Philippines the same day and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee to make sure you're happy. Check out our mixed rose bouquets and place your order today!
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A bunch of roses in different colors is often a sign of joy and happiness, but it can also be used to say many other things. Roses come in many colors and shades, making a bouquet truly unique. That makes it a great gift or way to decorate a special place. People know red roses mean romantic love and passion, while pink roses mean admiration and gratitude. People often give yellow roses as a sign of friendship and happiness, while white roses signify innocence and purity. Lavender roses show grace and elegance, while purple roses show enchantment. Orange roses show excitement and energy, while peach roses show gratitude and appreciation. You can also show sympathy, understanding, and care with many roses in different colors. No matter the event, a bunch of roses in different colors will surely bring joy and happiness.
This colorful rose flower bouquet from Angeles City Flora is perfect for any event. The bright roses add a happy touch to any room, and the smell is sure to please. This bouquet has a dozen roses in different shades of pink, orange, yellow, and white and a little baby's breath for texture. It would be a great gift for someone special or a nice addition to your home or office.
A beautiful bouquet of red and white roses, chocolates, teddy bears, and a card, can be the perfect gift for someone special. The teddy bear and chocolates surprise the bouquet and show how much you care about the recipient. The card is the perfect finishing touch because it lets you say what's on your heart.
Boxed roses in black boxes are an elegant and classic way to show love and appreciation. These arrangements are perfect for anniversaries, birthdays, or any other special occasion. The box is usually full of a dozen or more of the freshest roses, greenery, and other flowers that go well with them. Depending on the type of box, there may also be some decorative touches and a bow to finish the look. Boxed rose arrangements look great as table centerpieces, as gifts, or as decorations in any home.